8 Minutes
Gaining knowledge of problems with alcohol is the first serious step towards recovery. When it relates to problems with alcohol, you will encounter two terms, “alcoholism” and “alcohol abuse” frequently. There are subtle differences between the two. Alcohol abuse is a serious condition, and it’s frequently difficult to tell when your recreational drinking has evolved to something more problematic. Despite the fact that the terms are frequently interchanged, alcoholism and alcohol abuse each have their own set of identities and features.
While both alcoholism and alcohol abuse can have negative consequences in a person’s life, knowing the differences can help you determine the degree of your addiction and the best treatment option.
Alcoholism is the most serious form of alcohol abuse, characterized by an inability to control one’s drinking whereas alcohol abuse is any usage of alcohol that is not safe; greater than safe dose, underage use, use in certain health conditions where the health condition can worsen. Alcohol abuse may or may not imply alcohol addiction.
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latest news & research on AlcoholAlcohol Withdrawal Treatment
Based on the intensity of the withdrawal, individuals with AWS can be managed in an outpatient or inpatient setting
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