7 Minutes
Cocaine or “coke” is a naturally occurring, highly addictive, stimulant drug that is extracted from the leaves of the coca plant. It is grown mainly in the Andean region of South America. It is used as a local anesthetic during medical procedures but has been used widely for drug abuse. It is available as a white crystalline powder and is often mixed with cornstarch or talc to increase the profit margin. It is a common street drug and may also be available in combination with amphetamines or opioids. Most of the cocaine-related deaths occur due to cocaine being tempered with synthetic opioids.
Cocaine Addiction Symptoms and Side Effects
Cocaine can be rubbed on the gums, snorted, injected, or smoked. Freebase cocaine is known as “crack” and is processed to make rock crystal. This rock crystal is then heated and vaporized and inhaled directly into the lungs. It gets its name from the cracking sounds made by the rock as it is heated. Other street names include snow, flakes, twinkie, nose candy, white dragon, and rock.
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Cocaine Insights
latest news & research on CocaineCoke Jaw
Coke jaw is an informal term that refers to the involuntary and uncoordinated movements of the jaw that are common in users of cocaine
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