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Contrary to popular beliefs, addictions extend from substance and drinking into habits as well. Behaviors, such as shopping, social media, and work can become addictive in their nature. Behavioral health is as important as mental and physical health, it needs attention to even the little details, in order not to go over the limit and develop into addictions.

“It is impossible to understand addiction without asking what relief the addict finds, or hopes to find, in the drug or the addictive behavior.” — Gabor Maté

Playing cards with chips on a table in a casino.

Since addiction is what goes beyond the extreme and causes physical and mental harm as well as inhibits the normal daily flow of life, this can become a problem. The gambling disorder definition, as provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, is “placing something of value at risk” in order to gain something more valuable back. A gambler addiction starts when the person cannot stop betting or control it. It can be classified as a disorder, through the many implications, and later on difficulties through addiction recovery.

Is gambling addiction a disease? No, it is a disorder. Many people are addicted to betting, the National Center Responsible for Gaming estimates 1% of the adult population in the U.S. to have a severe gambling problem, with 6 to 9% in young adults.

Depicting a gambling problem is sometimes harder than it seems. The National Health Services presents the following signs of addiction in adults:

  • Betting more than you can afford
  • Feeling the need to bet larger amounts
  • Trying to chase losses by attempting to win the money back
  • Borrowing money or selling anything to get money in order to gamble
  • Feeling guilty

Those signs will point towards general gambling addiction. There are even more specific signs of poker addiction, according to the Gambling Addiction organization such as: going extremely far to provide money, going far beyond entertainment with poker, involving real money, and trying to gamble more to win back the loss.

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The National Institutes of Health discusses pathological gambling and the relation between gambling addiction and the brain. Since an addict makes risky decisions, it becomes irrational and excessive involvement. How the brain gets addicted to betting varies with many factors and decisions taken by the person. Pathological gambling symptoms include being preoccupied with casinos, having withdrawal when you stop, being unable to control the behavior itself, and jeopardizing other aspects of life to keep the addiction going.

Whether it is a casino addiction or a betting addiction, online gambling or lottery addiction, the Gambling Addicts describes seven types:

  1. Professional gamblers who make a living out of betting
  2. Social gambling that happens in social events
  3. Serious social gamblers: they spend a lot of time gambling but still prioritize their lives
  4. Escape gamblers: find relief in betting
  5. Personality gamblers: playing to get money illegally
  6. Conservative gambling: the low amount of money
  7. Compulsive gamblers: people who cannot control their gambling issues

Why is gambling addictive and how addictive is it? These questions often seem to go hand in hand because betting addiction might seem weird to the outsider. Since it is certain behavior that brings out certain results to each individual, what causes this addiction and the conditions differ.

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BBC News shared an article to explore why people struggle with this type of addiction. The brain likes the delight the action brings and then starts wanting to repeat it regularly. Anyone can become an addict but some factors add to it. Having a family history with addiction, having constant stress in life, environmental factors, and surroundings play an essential part.

Short Term Effects of Gambling Addiction

As short-term effects go, this addiction will affect life negatively. Some of the effects can be fixed easier than others, especially if they’re short-term. The BMC Public Health discusses the general impacts; individual and external. Since short-term effects are simple compared to long-term ones, whatever starts in this stage may carry out to become a long-term effect.

  1. Financial impacts: financial situation of the individual
  2. Labor impacts: effects on work and the gambler’s inability to work properly
  3. Health: impact on the physical, psychological, and well-being

Long Term Effects of Gambling Addiction

Long-term effects have to do with what the addict will face should they not get help. The Australian Institute of Family Studies extended the effects on the gambler’s family. Impaired family relationships will happen excessively, emotional problems, and grave rupture in normal life. Gambling addiction help for families becomes needed to try and repair what it destroyed.

Drugs, drinking, and betting often go hand in hand. A study showed how gamblers are sometimes driven to hurt themselves and others upon seeing the causes in the long run. By that, we mean financial troubles, familial relationships, and overall extreme hardships.

KFL&A Public Health discusses the problems that follow afterward, namely substance abuse. The two are co-morbid conditions that take over the person’s life. “The difference in rates of mental illness and addiction” with gamblers is highly significant. Substance use is sometimes another outlet that’s chosen by gamblers.

A study published in ISRN Addiction explains how both disorders happen in early adulthood. It’s then that the individual has more chances to access casinos. Add to that, the portions of the brain that are responsible for impulsive tendencies are still under development. The individual is then vulnerable to addictions, especially the ones that are compulsive.

There are many methods for treating gambling addictions. Health Direct sheds light on cognitive behavioral therapy; which is tackling the logical part of betting and explaining it. Gambling Rehabilitation can also include specific addiction programs, such as gambling addiction therapy and counseling.

If you’re wondering about how to stop gambling on your own, worry not, because it isn’t impossible. There are a few things you can do to help you quit gambling, but consulting a professional is always the preferred method. The best way to stop gambling, or at least start, is to avoid going places that you used to gamble in. Busying yourself with other tasks, making sure you’re not in harmful social circles and requesting help from friends are sure to help you in overcoming gambling addiction.

The Dual Diagnosis organization explains how gambling rehab facilities help gamblers in learning the intricate details of their addiction. The place the facilities offer is free of triggers in order to heal properly as the individual solves prior trauma and family conflicts. The best treatment for a gambling addiction will be decided by a professional, according to each patient.

Inpatient Gambling Treatment Centers

Cigna explains inpatient treatment as the treatment that accommodates the patients in the centers throughout their treatment processes. The patient will stay there until their treatment period is up, receiving care all around the clock.

Luxury Rehab centers for Gamblers

Gambling addiction rehab is to help the gamblers get treatment and carry on their lives peacefully. Rehab for gamblers makes them aware of their conditions, to develop a life-long plan that will outlast therapy.

The Drug-Free organization explains that treatment facilities should be accredited and their staff should have official credentials. Checking if evidence-based treatments and detoxification are available is also a must.

Use of Medications for Betting Addicts

The U.S. National Library of Medicine shared research done on betting addiction and pathological gambling. Medications for gambling addiction haven’t previously received much attention from clinicians. However, their research proves that similar to bipolar disorder, gambling responds to medications and progress needs to be done in this concern.  

Facilities on our Gambling Addiction Treatment Centers

Our centers provide inpatient gambling addiction support. From a professional team, luxurious stay, and personal chef, to physical rehabilitation, our facilities are where to get help for casino addiction. It might seem like an impossible task, but our residential gambling treatment programs are a guaranteed way to turn your life around

The BALANCE Luxury Rehab Center is ready with our professional team to tackle any sort of addiction, namely gambling. Since this specific addiction is behavioral, it is, at certain times, hard to spot. Our team will assist you out in any aspect and guide you through the journey as they provide help. Our rehabilitation centers for betting addiction are completely equipped with everything you might need. You will have the access to a luxurious and comfortable stay, sure to carry you over your struggles.





The Balance RehabClinic is a leading provider of luxury addiction and mental health treatment for affluent individuals and their families, offering a blend of innovative science and holistic methods with unparalleled individualised care.


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